Friday, November 12, 2010

Treet, the forgotten meat.

As you can imagine Treet, lets hope its Meat, provides very little in terms of vitamins and minerals
Like so many chubby Americans, my battle for weight loss began in my youth.  My mom went back to the workplace when my dad injured his back when I was around eight.  This meant, dad became Mr. Chef.  I use chef freely because salmon cakes and gravy, Treet meat sandwiches, and butter soaked toast hardly meet standards.  I am not saying I didn't enjoy such fare.  I did.  Two slices of white bread, a TBSP of mayo, dash of pepper, and two butter-fried slabs of Treet meat hit the spot.  I had two a day at times.  Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream pies became a staple.  Again, not one but a couple.  I ate more than I should and didn't think much about it.  I played sports, worked on the farm, and overall was active.  Which means, I didn't really get fat, I got chubby.

I started dieting in middle school.  The ever popular 3-day diet became a staple.  I lost 8 lbs, gained 10lbs.  I lost 6 lbs, gained 7 lbs.  It wasn't working.  By the time I was in 9h grade I was 5'4" and 175lbs.  Again, I was a student athlete and still physically fit.  Just chubby.

I saw a picture of myself and decided I'd had it.  I started eating yogurt and bran buds for breakfast, no lunch, and very little for dinner.  The wrestlers diet became my diet.  Avoiding most foods and running all the time.  I ran with sweat suits on in the summer, trash bags, etc.  anything to lose another pound.  It worked, I got to 150lbs by my 10th grade year.  Not skinny, but not that chubby.

Well, college hit, I started making out with boys on a more frequent basis which strangely kept me in better shape.  Well, that with the running and gym.  I had years were I got skinnier and years were I fluctuated a little.  Oveall though, I remained around 150.  Not my ideal weight, but not bad.

I am 26 right now and around 165lbs.  I broke my ankle and leg severely in February, had pin removal surgery last month, and my body is pure softness.  Its squishy and cuddly and some dudes are into it, but not the dream.  I mean parts of me are like a plush pillow.  Unfortunately, my motivation is non-existent.

So, I thought...

People blog for everything.  There are blogs just like this out there, why not join the family.  So, if you find my blog and are struggling with the same thing I am.  Would love pointers, tips, stories, etc.

I am going to kind of document my weight loss, the slow miserable process it is, and how its changing my life.  I am tired of feeling sluggish and weak.